13 Important Dog Heat Safety Tips For Summer Including What NOT to Do.
Short Nosed Breeds Like Kilo the Pug Are Extra Vulnerable So We asked a Vet About Heat Safety For Dogs.
It is important to keep all pets safe during the hotter summer months. The summer heat can be dangerous for all dogs especially certain breeds.
I always worry about Kilo the Pug. He is pretty fit but he really can not take the heat. I had to stop in the shade, give him more water then carry him home last week on a walk, as we went mid-morning and it got warmer fast.
Dogs regulate their body temperature by panting. Pugs and other flat-faced breeds have condensed nasal passageways. If a pug is left in the heat, it’s body could have trouble maintaining optimal internal temperature.
As dog parents, it is important to keep diligent watch over our best friends to make sure they are healthy and happy.
Vet and host of “Animal House” on 1010 Radio, Doctor Clayton Greenway, stated:
“Dogs dissipate heat to a limited degree compared to humans. They don’t really sweat so they have to pant and dissipate heat that way. It’s important to identify what breed you’re working with first. Certain breeds may have a higher risk of developing heat stress. Arctic breeds are a concern, as they have a thicker coat and get overheated quickly. Brachycephalic breeds or flat faces like Pugs, Bostons, Bull Dogs- are born with a less than ideal respiratory systems. They have tissues in their airway that can restrict airflow. They can’t pant as effectively so may be at a greater risk of heat stroke. “
Risks of Overheating for Dogs
The risks of heat exposure can include heat stroke or heat exhaustion.
Could Your Dog Be Overheating? Symptoms of Heat Stress:
Symptoms your dog may show if they are experiencing negative effects of the heat:
- Panting heavily
- Dizziness, fatigue
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Stress and panic (including yelps)
- Wheezing and gasping
- Pale or bright gums
- Thick, viscous saliva
What NOT to Do if Your Dog has Heat Stress
If your dog is overheating and showing symptoms of heat stress, DO NOT SUBMERGE THEM IN COLD WATER.
When Kilo came back from our walk still panting a little (not in stress but clearly still warmer than usual), I thought about getting out his little pool or popping him in the bath in cold water to try to cool him off quickly. Swimming can be a good activity to cool off before dogs get too hot but I asked Doctor Greenway about this as a treatment for heat stress:
“I’ve seen clients try to use cold water on dogs with heat stress. You can throw a little on their back or armpits but don’t put them in a cold bath. It’s what most people think they should do. The problem with that is one of the ways dogs dissipate heat is through vessels in their extremities, their legs, and those vessels dilate to dissipate heat. If you use cold water, those vessels will tighten up, and they lose the ability to dissipate heat. In fact, putting them in a cold water bath may make things worse. In one case, I saw a client who tried to take care of their dog for a few hours at home and had put the dog in cold water. The dog passed from heat stress right in front of me. Once you see your dog panting heavily and in distress, you want to take them to a vet right away as it can get worse. Time is of the essence.”
Do not ignore a dog’s unusual behaviour outside on very hot days as this could be heat confusion and a symptom of a more serious issue.
Do not overexert your dog. Greenway suggests
“If your dog is showing signs of heat stress like panting, then you can stop somewhere and rest in the shade. Wait until that panting slows down a bit before you move on. Re-evaluate if you even should be moving on.”
13 Heat Safety Tips That Could Save A Dog’s Life Video
Featuring Kevin MacKenzie from the OSPCA at Canadian Pet Expo.
- Always carry water and make it consistently available to your dog. Adding ice cubes can make it even cooler.
- Never leave your dog unattended out in the heat/sun. If you put your dog into the yard, make sure there are plenty of shady areas and water they can get to and you are watching them.
- Never leave a dog alone in the car – it can heat up to deadly temperatures surprisingly fast. #nohotdogs NO EXCUSES! Hot cars can kill! DO NOT keep your dog in a car without proper air conditioning.
- If your dog begins to show signs of heat stroke, call a vet ASAP. DO NOT throw them in a cold bath – see above.
- Short-haired dogs can get sunburned, keep them in the shade as much as possible. Find a dog sunscreen that works for your pet.
- Daily exercise is important, but do not overexert your dog in the heat. If your dog is panting heavily while out in the heat walking or exercising, stop immediately and take a break in the shade or aircon. Swimming and dock jumping may be fun summer activities for some dogs but be careful with breeds like pugs – they may need life jackets and do not throiw them into cold water if they are already panting heavily.
- Keep outings and walks scheduled to cooler times of the day like early morning and late evening.
- Be aware of the ground temperature as pavement can get very hot and burn your dog’s sensitive paws.
- If your dog has a longer coat, consider giving them a shorter hair cut for the warmer months (but DO NOT shave or cut the hair of certain breeds like Huskies – discuss with your vet or groomer).
- Cooling collars or vests or mats may be helpful.
- As often as possible, keep your dog in a ventilated and air conditioned or cool space with a cool surface.
- Consider indoor games and activities to keep your dog mentally and physically active on very hot days. Here are some awesome ideas.
- Frozen watery treats can also be good for cooling down and hydrating.
How Your Vet Might Treat Heat Stress
Doctor Greenway let us know what kind of care your dog can expect from a vet and some parting advice.
“As a vet, I use sedatives known to calm them down and help them breathe easier. This can lower body temperature too and expand the blood vessels in their extremities. We give fluids. I can use cold water enemas, maybe ice packs in their armpits or in their thighs. This works as the blood vessels are larger and not used in the same way to dissipate heat.But this is a huge problem, and it’s surprising how rare it is for an owner to realize that it’s a serious issue. I worry that the dog will pass if they take it lightly. I’ve been successful in many cases, but I’ ll never forget the dog that passed in front of me due to the cold water bath. Their owners were loving people, and it seems to make sense to do it, but it was detrimental to the dog in that state and condition. It’s counter-intuitive sometimes.”
Dog Summer “Must-Haves” List For The Outdoors
- Cool clean water
- Water bowl
- Snacks and healthy treats for regulating blood sugar levels
- Paw protection like Dog shoes for hot pavement
- A towel or pad to sit on
- An umbrella for quick shade
- Cooling collar or vest
- Fan (portable battery operated ones are great!)
- Sunscreen for some dogs
- Bug repellent
Find Doctor Greenway at West Hill Animal Clinic serving clients and their pets in the Scarborough, Rouge, Durham, and Toronto, Ontario area.
The issue of owners leaving their pets in their vehicles during the hot summer months, putting animals’ safety at risk and even causing death, is an ongoing problem. I had a tradesman fixing a leak last week and had to bring his dog in from the car. He had no idea of the danger, even though the windows were open a little. The OSPCA is running a campaign to build awareness. There is no excuse for leaving a pet unattended in a vehicle and this summer we need your help to share this important message. #NoHotPets No excuses.
See an animal unattended in a vehicle? Report it! ACT FAST. SAVE A LIFE. If you spot an unattended pet in a vehicle that appears to be suffering from heat exhaustion, do not hesitate to:
- Call 310-SPCA (7722), if in Ontario
- Call your local SPCA or Humane Society
- Call your local Police
Thanks for the info, if I do have to be out with Layla in the heat, I make sure there is shade, lots of water plus of course a towel to wipe her down, if not share I have a canopy which I take with me so she is out of the sun 🙂
Thank you for sharing such a great PSA post with important information & tips!
Thanks for these important tips! Who would have thought that a cold bath was actually detrimental to an overheated dog.
Great post! I was just covering hot weather care at my group class this morning!! In East Tennessee, our temps get plenty warm, and I worry about one of my clients not knowing what to look for! I’m going to share this post to my group page, so that everyone can understand just how serious this issue can be!!
Great blog ! Had to share on fb such important life saving info!
This was an extremely important post! Great information, I’m reposting this on our business Clock Timeless Pets website, outside of Ask Jodi! High Paw!
Thanks for sharing these important tips at Create With Joy!
Doing my part to spread the word:
Congrats – your post is one of our features at this week’s Inspire Me Monday Party!
Hope dear Kilo is beating the heat! 🙂
Thanks so much!
Thanks for all the info, I am paranoid with Layla and the heat as she is black, so always make sure she has lots of water, and I bought her a little canopy for shade for the beach when we go 🙂
Yes -we need to be extra careful with black dogs like Layla and Kilo. He needs a little canopy- great idea.
These are some valuable tips! Great work!
This weekend is gonna be very warm here in Belgium, so I’ll def keep these in mind!