Science confirms – dogs can make a difference!
Professionally trained service animals—such as Guide Dogs, Alert Dogs, or Special Needs Dogs for the physically disabled offer obvious benefits to humans.

There is more and more evidence that we have only just started to really understand the many therapeutic and health benefits that Service, “Surfice”, Therapy and Companion dogs can provide. They may just be Nature’s Best Antidepressants.
Benefits of Caring For or Petting a Dog or Puppy
A dog is not a substitute for proper medical diagnosis or treatment, but there is scientific evidence that caring for and petting a dog can help
- reduce anxiety
- lower blood pressure
- reduce fatigue
- increase interest in life
- ease loneliness
- increase focus
Dogs can fulfill a basic human need for affection and touch.
In our Puppies and Dogs Make A Difference episodes, Dr Stanley Coren explains that there can actually be chemicals released in the brain when you pat, cuddle and smell a puppy or dog that in some cases, are similar to the effect of taking anti-depressants or holding a human baby.
Dr Fogel explains they can provide a source of positive non-verbal communication. Dogs have been shown to calm some kids with autism or anxiety, and even adults with Alzheimers. The body pressure and presence can also help those with PTSD. The American Heart Association has linked the ownership of pets, especially dogs, with a reduced risk for heart disease, greater longevity and fewer health issues.
Therapy and Service Dogs
The many wonderful therapy dogs we have met bring smiles to the faces of people in hospitals, rehab centres, disaster areas and nursing homes. Some can help kids read out loud or cope with exams in schools and libraries or deal with other stress or loss.
Laughter and dogs really may be the best medicine.
Laughter and dogs really may be the best medicine, and they are all natural, with no additives, no preservatives, no judgements, no criticisms (except the looks my pug Kilo gives me if I don’t give him food he wants).
Side Effects
Just be warned though, side effects of caring for a dog may include weight loss from walking more, participation in dog sports, higher spending on treats and pet products, more social interaction, more compassion, better mood, and of course participation in twitter chats and blog hops like this, and blogging, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and other Social Media
Check out our story of Bocker Labradoodle HERE, Braydon and Autism Assistance Dog Keats HERE, Max and NSD Chester HERE, Gizmo the Wonderdoglet HERE, Muttley Cyrus HERE, NSD Flicka HERE, Surf Dog Ricochet HERE. We will be featuring more amazing Service and Therapy dogs from our community each week.
Our TV Trailers Puppies Rock HERE and Dogs Make A Difference
Interesting study on the dog human bond with mothers in US

Dogs are absolutely nature’s little antidepressants. It’s interesting to find out there is scientific proof to back this up. I wonder if a dog can cheer up another dog? My pup has been depressed since his housemates passed away. I wonder if a puppy would help?
I don’t have a medical degree bu I agree that dogs are great for your health. They can be great stress reducers and keep you healthy because of all the walking. Dog do make a difference
Did you know I was a medical alert service dog? Ma has MS and I can tell when her legs are about to go weak or her blood pressure is about to drop. When she is feeling glum I turn into a Super Goofy girl. It makes her laugh and she says it makes her feel better.
Wednesdays Wags!!
My dog is certainly my anti-depressant of choice. (My dog… and a little ice cream.) And she certainly gets me out and keeps me moving!
Kilo is mine with a little red wine and cheese LOL And the walks are working. S
Great stories! Thanks for sharing. Dogs are such healing creatures!
Oh mom knows all about me being the best drug there is! Love Dolly
LOL so true! Kilo is mine XS
I can’t imagine how much more I’d weigh, and how bored and sad I might be if I didn’t have my dogs in my life. Great post, and all so true!!
Thanks and we agree! XS
dogs are man’s best friend for a reason!
I often jokingly refer to “pug therapy” but it’s only half joking. It really does help along with traditional therapy methods.
I’m a firm believer in puppy therapy. It’s hard to be sad when there’s a dog around.
Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.