Looking for a fun and healthy homemade dog treat recipe to spoil your pooch with? I normally give Kilo a little mashed sweet potato with dinner so I decided to try a cute treat version. Kilo the Pug loved this pup treat so much he snuck around and jumped up on the table and stole one when we were taking photos. I liked mine too.
All our DOG LICKS recipes are DIY, dog-friendly and look like dogs. Enjoy our vegan sweet potato pups, perfect for doggy birthday parties or kids parties and snacks.
We chose to use blueberries as the eyes and nose, but your dog’s favourite kibble will also work.
- 1 whole Sweet potato
- Blueberries
- Spinach
- Red pepper
- Peanut Butter
- Preheat oven to 375F
- Place sweet potato on a baking tray and bake for 1 hour until fork soft but just firm enough to cut through. Add in Spinach leaves for a few minutes at the end. I bake sweet potatoes every week as Kilo the Pug and my daughters and I love them.
Handy Tip: I sometimes put a piece of tin foil or parment paper under on the baking tray to make easier to clean. - Let sweet potato cool before decorating.
Slice cooked sweet potato into circles.
Using a shot glass or knife cut out a smaller circle of sweet potato for the muzzle.
Place larger sweet potato circle as the face.
Using a dab of peanut butter attach the muzzle
Cut the spinach leaves in half and attach as ears. Place the blueberries as eyes and nose then red pepper as tongue and collar.
Want More Tasty Dog-Friendly Treats? Check out our full list of DOG LICKS Recipies HERE
Share your favourite recipes and suggestions for new DOG LICKS recipes in the comments below.
Disclaimer: Please note that I am just having fun with these Dog Licks Recipes, making food that looks like cute pups and that my dog, my kids and I can enjoy. I am not an expert, a chef, a vet or a nutritionist, so it’s advisable to consult with your own authority when trying new foods, and also to ensure that your dog’s or your child’s diet is balanced and appropriate & includes all of the nutrients that are necessary for good health.

Aww! cute and funny heheh!
Have a cutetastic week and thanks for linking up 🙂
I love this! You had me at 5 minutes 😉 And we have sweet potatoes on the counter so I’ll clearly be making this tonight. Not to mention they are adorable! They kind of look like little doxies.
So adorable!! I just bought a bunch of sweet potatoes and was wondering what to do with them. Love this!
These are very cute, I’m loving your creativity in the kitchen and I bet even the kids would enjoy these.
Really cute. Those would be great at a shelter fundraiser.
Yes – I may make a batch for the next one I attend
These are so cute. Unfortunately my dog doesn’t like sweet potato but you’ve inspired me to give something similar a try.
What a cute video and yummy looking treat! I will have to give it a try for my dog!
These are too cute! We will have to give them a try. I love the idea of using the bell pepper for the tongue and collar. 🙂
Sounds like a fun project for kids or for dogs.
Very cute and nutritious! I like the little collar.
Another adorable recipe. The video is too cute! Also, love that picture of Kilo waiting for his treat – his little tongue is so cute
Another clever creation from you, fabulous! It’s super healthy too, and I love that pups and kids can eat your Dog Licks snacks together. So special.
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
So cute!! And so simple to make. What a great idea. Thanks for sharing!
LOL – those are cute – I don’t have a dog, but my cat would eat them! Thanks for sharing on the What’s for Dinner link up!
OMD they are adorable and a really good idea to give to Layla’s furfriends for Halloween thanks
You know what would make these totally perfect? Making the recip printable and some of the images. It would be fabulous!!!
The first picture made us laugh so much – it looks so tasty even us humans would want a nibble!
Well done!
Great idea. Yes I ate some I confess and yummy
Will definitely try this and forward this to other pet parents i know
Thanks so much- Kilo and I loved them
Wow, this is so adorable!
Super fun and creative!!! you set the bar high on dog snacks!! now I’m going to go try! great post.
These are adorable – AND NUTRITIOUS! Love also that they’re vegan BOL
Kilo you are such a handsome model (such restraint).
Great job on the video! These are super fun AND healthy!
You always make the cutest treats.
Very cute and it looks so healthy for dogs! My dogs like all of those ingredients!
Too cute! I love that they are human and dog-friendly treats. It is fun to be able to enjoy something with your pets. 🙂 This would be a lot of fun for kids to work on and share with the dog too.
I have just laughed out loud at the image at the top of this blog post… which I hadn’t interpreted when I saw the smaller icon. BOL!!!
I’ve calmed down and read the blog… These treats all look gorgeous. Does Kilo really eat the red pepper?
These look great. I’m always amazed at the treats you cook.
Cute, fun and practical! Love this combo! I look forward to seeing even more recipe DIY ideas from you down the road and I look forward to making these soon!
So cute! And I’d eat that, without the mouth, though! My dogs, on the other paw, would eat everything. Love the pic at the end!
Oh my gosh, those are ADORABLE! They would be perfect for a doggie birthday party and so healthy too! I think Haley would actually eat the spinach leaves too since they would have peanut butter on them.