While at our Casting Call at Canine Campus (November 25th), the Talent Hounds crew had the privilege to meet Christine, a passionate member of Canadian Chihuahua Rescue and Transport (CCRT), who has personally adopted several Chihuahuas. Here is her story:
I got involved with the CCRT when my dad was diagnosed with dementia. I wanted an older dog to take to his nursing home. I had always had big dogs and had never considered adopting a Chi until I found a Chi cross who appeared to be lost. I took her home with me and posted her info online at the Toronto Humane Society and Toronto Animal Services. I was contacted almost immediately by her owner. When her owner arrived it was obvious that this was her dad. I was blown away with how sweet and loving this Chi was. I soon applied to adopt a dog from the Chi rescue and my first one was an old, fat, smelly one that I immediately fell in love with. And the rest is history.
I now have two dogs Reg and Bea, both adopted. I only fostered Bea for two or three weeks, maybe a month, before I succumbed to her charm and adopted her. She has anxiety issues and for the first month, her tail was tucked so firmly under her that I didn’t know what her tail looked like. She was found wandering in Etobicoke, taken to the shelter and after a couple of days, the Chihuahua rescue was called to take her as she wasn’t doing well at all. She had given up eating and was hiding in the trough that is used to sluice out the concrete floors.

I got her as an “emergency placement.” She was tiny and scared and would avoid eye contact. She’d hide under furniture/blankets/anything and would shake uncontrollably if you looked at her. If you went to touch her she’d pancake down, curl her lip and try and scramble away. It was horrible. How is Bea doing now? She has doubled her body weight, her eyes are bright and shiny and full of mischief and she has finally learned the play bow. She is still easily startled and will default to the pancake position or burrowing under something to make herself invisible but she has far more days where she’s just a dog. She thoroughly enjoys her walks and when the mood takes her, she’ll run like the wind with long strides and ears flattened to her head. That is a joy to behold.
My other dog, Reg, also a Chi, was adopted when he was 7. He was a grumpy guy as he’d been living in a home with three young children who were really loud and rambunctious. They didn’t know how to behave around him so he’d spend his time in his cage and not interacting with the family. When I got him, he’d snarl and lift his lip if you got too near him. Now he’s a laid back guy who has masses of human friends. He particularly likes seniors. He’d prefer it if Bea weren’t around although in the last week they started to play bow to each other and there have been brief instances of chasing each other. Eventually they’ll get along.
So, I’ve fostered once, Bea, and adopted her. I’ve adopted three Chis in total; each one has a wildly different personality and all three came to me through CCRT (Canadian Chihuahua Rescue and Transport). Chi’s can have a bad rep as being annoying, yappy dogs but they are loyal, incredibly playful, bright, goofy and amazing cuddler/snugglers. The puppy mill dogs often come to us with deadened eyes, dull fur and appear to have no personality. Within short order, when they’re placed with an experienced foster parent, they blossom and are soon ready to be placed with their new family.
To learn more about Canadian Chihuahua Rescue and Transport visit their website.
Hooray for the CCRT and Reg, Bea and Christine. I met them all at a recent Chihuahua meet-up at PawsWay and you would never know Bea used to have so many issues. Both she and Reg are charmers. And Christine’s pretty awesome too.