Spring is finally in the air. The sun is shining and the flowers are popping up so it is time for new beginnings. To help you start some fresh activities with your dog, we are hosting a giveaway of The Big Book of Tricks for the Best Dog Ever, a brilliant dog training book co-written by my talented friends author, trainer, fellow film-maker and passionate rescue … [Read more...] about Giveaway of The Big Book of Tricks for the Best Dog Ever
How reading to dogs on ZOOM or YouTube could help children during the pandemic.
I did extensive research for Talent Hounds, Kids' Pet Club and Dogs Make A Difference, and I saw scientific evidence of the physical and emotional benfits of looking at and interacting with dogs, especially during times of stress. They can cause a drop in anxiety and make us feel good so it makes sense to me that reading to virtual dogs could help children during the current … [Read more...] about How reading to dogs on ZOOM or YouTube could help children during the pandemic.
Is Your Dog Bored? Check Out Signs and Solutions.
You may be wondering, do dogs get bored? The answer is YES! Without proper play, stimulation and exercise, dogs can easily become bored, especially the higher energy working breeds like border collies. Dogs that are bored often show signs or find destructive ways to entertain themselves. When our golden lab Cookie was bored inside in winter, she would chew on the … [Read more...] about Is Your Dog Bored? Check Out Signs and Solutions.
Pomeranian Pom Pom Chewy, the youngest, cutest star of new comedy series Sloppy Jones.
Pom Pom Chewy is a 4 year old Pomeranian. Chewy for short. I interviewed his Mom Nicole on the set of my daughter's new comedy series Sloppy Jones (we managed to film the trailer for the series before lockdown). The script called for a very chic, chill Pomeranian so I knew just who to cast. Chewy was awesome on the day and everyone loved … [Read more...] about Pomeranian Pom Pom Chewy, the youngest, cutest star of new comedy series Sloppy Jones.
Dog Lovers- How to Keep Busy During a Pandemic
Hey Dog Lovers, check out these great ideas on how to keep busy during a pandemic. Please reach out if are you feeling trapped, bored, lonely or depressed? It's perfectly natural. Staying at home all day without seeing friends or going to work can be very tough to adapt to. Plus there is the added stress of loss of income and health risks for many. It’s important we … [Read more...] about Dog Lovers- How to Keep Busy During a Pandemic