We admire so many things about the wonderful Woofjocks Canine All Stars team including their fitness, their talent and their commitment to positive training.
We were thrilled to be invited behind the scenes to film the amazing new Woofjocks show and their brand new foam pit dock jumping performances. They compensated us for some action footage to promote the show and we got to make a great highlights video for Fit Dog Friday showcasing them and hopefully inspiring others to do more with their dogs- win win. I know I always go home and work with Kilo on new tricks and sports after watching them.
Exciting New Show and Foam Pit Video
The WoofJocks Canine All Stars’ performances are fully choreographed and specifically designed to incorporate elements of canine agility, obedience, tricks, jumps, play (like tug), comedy routines, training education and flying disc.
Now they even offer a one of a kind thrilling new dog dock jumping performance without water.
The dogs jump of the dock after toys or discs and land in hundreds or more likely thousands of special imported soft foam pieces. It looked so fun, audience members wanted to jump in too.
We were happy to see team member, junior trainer and Kids’ Pet Club Ambassador Jordan with a new puppy. So cute!
Mark, Aaron and I were able to get some incredible slow motion and regular speed footage. These talented dogs are jumping so high and moving so fast they are actually quite challenging to film as they can easily blur or they they go out of frame in less than a second but I think the video turned out really well.
The video captures the energy, love, respect, talent and training that goes into every dog and every show. All the dogs, trainers and audience members are having a blast.
About Woofjocks
The Woofjocks Canine All Stars are a skilled group of dogs and handlers who stage unique, exciting, educational and fun variety shows. They showcase the unique bond between dog and handler – within the framework of positive reinforcement training and thrill and inspire audiences. You can follow them on Facebook.
I’d love to see one of their shows one day. Mr. N would like performing in it but I wouldn’t! We do a lot of trick training and he frequently does “mini-shows” for people and kids.
Wow I need to get more active lol. This is so much fun and totally impressive! I would love to see the Woofjocks Canine All Stars show!!
Wow oh my goodness. I’ve never heard of Wolfjocks before. I love watching animal shows on Animal Planet and other related new content so this show looks kind of cool.
Wow, this is one impressive group of trainers and pups! I’d love to see one of these shows one day! I’d love to do agility with Bonnie, but for now, we get our exercise through walks and playtime!
Wow those dogs are amazing, I’ve never heard of this before. I’m inspired to try some new things with Jack. He does love his runs off leash but I have to be careful with anything too athletic because he was paralysed suddenly almost two years ago, so we have to be careful. Definitely gave me something to think about though!!
Oh wow! The video is amazing, all the dogs look like they are having the best time and really enjoying themselves, especially the ones in the foam pit! Great fun, but also great skills!
So many great activities. Cookie has joint issues so we have to be careful with what we do. Her favorite activity is hunting mice or frogs … keeps her busy and in shape.
Most of the exercise my wife and I do involving the dogs are walks and hikes. I love watching these kind of agility courses, though.
I’ve never heard of dogs jumping into a “foam pool” in place of water! What a creative substitute. I hadn’t heard of Woofjocks Canine All-Stars, but your informative article has them on my radar now! Thank you for sharing.
We first saw it on America’s Got Talent when our friend Sara’s dog Hero jumped on the finals- amazing. It looks so much fun I tried plopping around.
I wanna go, like now! This looks like so much fun! Your video does a great job of capturing all of the fun and excitement. It also demonstrates we definitely need to get more active!
That looks like so much fun! Dexter attempted dock diving, but wasn’t a fan of the water. I bet he would love this! Now, I just have to find a place to try. 🙂
this is such badass agility! Babu can never do those things (he is so lazy)-I really enjoyed seeing these skilled dogs show their athletic prowess!
I want to build an inexpensive agility set for Rufus. He’s still young and gets the zoomies and he likes to use porch furniture and potted plants for his personal jumping tests.
Yes I had some hula hoops and set up a little DIY course. My friend has a pop up weave set. You can often get things cheaply online second hand.
That looks like so much fun for the dogs as well as the audience! I love the variety of dogs that participated!
This looks like a doggy paradise! I want to join these doggos too 🙂 Especially that part when they jump in a pool of foam pillows.
These dogs and trainers are truly inspirational! I love how much fun they are all having and what a wonderful example they are setting for their audiences. I would love to do agility one day with one of my dogs. They can get a tiny bit of speed when they really want to. Haha!
BAD ASS! wow. Those are some serious skills. I watched a great Russian YouTuber who does insane parkour with his dog (a pit) … like blow your mind crazy stuff. I always worry about any long term wear on bones and joints when I see these amazing amazing athletes!!
I worry about some jumping but all these owners are very responsible and these are mainly working breeds that crave exercise and stimulation or else they are not actually jumping at all. They tend to be really fit and well cared for and live relatively long lives. I know personally I would not have given up my competitive tennis even if I had known my knees would suck now with arthritis as it gave me such joy and satisfaction. It’s a risk for all athletes so you have to balance the risks.
I have never seen anything like this in my life! So inspiring seeing all these wonderful doggies and their owners doing such fun activities together. But it must have taken a lot of time and hard work on both parts to make it happen. Truly amazing!