If you are considering getting a puppy or a dog, please do your research. Many people adopt or buy a puppy impulsively based on looks or breed popularity, but a puppy is a lot of work, expensive and a long time committment. You should make sure the dog breed (or mix) you choose fits your personality, lifestyle, living space, budget and time.
I though it would be helpful for people considering getting a new puppy or dog to add a link to our Breed Library and to do a round up of links to our posts on the traits and talents of different dogs.
Scroll down the list of posts to find what breeds might suit you best, from most affectionate to smartest to laziest.
Breed Library Link for Detailed Information by Breed.
You can check out our full breed libray here with information on over 30 breeds from owners and experts.

Plus you can do our fun Quiz here – luckily for my little Rescue Rascal Kilo the Pug I get Party Pug. Tell us in the comments what breed you get or own.

List of Talent Hounds Posts on Different Dog Breeds
15 Best Dog Breeds for Lazy Dog Owners

It is very important to do your research and to choose the right dog for your lifestyle and home. Maybe you have bad knees or work long hours or live in an apartment without a yard so you need a more chill dog? ALL DOGS are different and ALL DOGS require training, socialization, daily walks and daily play time. However different dog breeds generally have different … [Read more…]about 15 Best Dog Breeds for Lazy Dog Owners
What Are The World’s Most Intelligent Dog Breeds, And Why?

Does your dog make the list? I am always inspired by the incredibly smart dogs we know and the difference they each make in somebody’s life. Have you ever wondered exactly how smart your dogs is and what they are capable of? I often do with Kilo the Pug. Do you measure by the number of tricks they can do or the type of talents they have developed or how fast they learn … [Read more…]about What Are The World’s Most Intelligent Dog Breeds, And Why?
Which Are The Most Affectionate Dog Breeds In The World?
7 Best Dog Breeds If You Are Fighting Depression
Looking for Love? 10 Most Affectionate Dog Breeds
What Breeds Make the Best Family Dogs?
What Are The Best Dog Breeds for Apartments?
20 Poodle Mixes for you to Love
Do Huskies Make Good Pets– Gone to the Snow Dogs Interview
Different Dog Breeds, Different Exercise Plans?
What Makes a Good Therapy Dog?
Most talented Trick Dogs
How cute are these Morkies and Yorkies
Dockjumping Water Dogs
Also check out:
21 Questions to ask before getting a Puppy
Let us know if you have a favorite breed and why in the comments.
Love this!!! Linzy “Mutt” has been a more than wonderful dog. Yes, adopt don’t shop!!!!