It is very important to do your research and to choose the right dog for your lifestyle and home.
Maybe you have bad knees or work long hours or live in an apartment without a yard so you need a more chill dog?
ALL DOGS are different and ALL DOGS require training, socialization, daily walks and daily play time.
However different dog breeds generally have different traits and different exercise requirements.
So which are the least active dog breeds most suitable for injured or aging athletes, couch potatoes or apartment dwellers?
Some of these breeds may surprise you but most have been bred to be wonderful companions and of course, Pugs make the list. Herding, retrieving and hunting breeds usually require more mental and physical stimulation than lap dogs.
15 Less Active Dog Breeds
Basset Hound
These dogs with big chests, big noses and short, stubby legs are usually content to lie at your feet and snooze the day away, however they do often enjoy running and sniffing on their daily walks.
Bernese Mountain Dog
One of four varieties of Swiss mountain dog, the Bernese Mountain Dog is a sweet, family-oriented breed. This dog can be an excellent stand in for a stuffed animal and will cuddle with you all day despite his large size.
They only need a few longs walks a day. Calm and good natured, this is another of the lazy dog breeds that should be ideal for families with young children.
Brussels Griffon
The Brussels Griffon is an intelligent dog, and they make loving lap dogs. I met a really cute champion at the Westminster Dog Show one year and he was almost monkey like with his big human brown eyes. He used his front legs like arms to cling and hug. They enjoy walks and cuddling with their owners.
Check out our super cute friends @threerescuemonkeys on Instagram.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel can enjoy activity but love a cuddle on the couch too. This breed loves hanging with their owners. My sister-in-law has had several and they are great companions.
Chinese Crested
These devoted little cuddle bugs were bred as companions. While they can be athletic and jump high, they usually prefer to relax and lie around with their human. They can make great apartment dogs.
Chow Chow
The Chow Chow is a large ball of fluff that would probably prefer lying around in the cool indoors than running around outside, especially on hot days. My dog Isabelle was half Chow Chow half Lab. She loved cuddling and snoozing but she also got the Lab’s love of running and swimming.
English Bulldog
Another flat faced breed, they don’t generally do a lot of strenuous exercise (although we do know some exceptions who surf, do agility, and skateboard). A quick walk around the park is often enough exercise for this “lazy” breed. Mostly they like eating, snoozing loudly and entertaining their families.
Our gorgeous friend Bridgette is a gregarious, friendly, affectionate Therapy Dog. See her story here.
Great Dane
The original ‘gentle giant’ of the dog world is usually calm and quiet. They are lazy dogs with a slow metabolism that are perfectly happy indoors, sleeping up to twenty hours a day.
See Dozer the Therapy Dog’s story here.
This breed was a surprise to me. They look so athletic and were bred for racing but our neighbours adopted Sadie and she was a very easy family dog. She enjoyed an occasional sprint with a lot of couch time. They can sleep 22 hours a day I heard.
See our story “Is adopting a greyhound right for you?” here.
Japanese Chin
Originally bred as lap dogs, Japanese Chins like my friend Amy’s puppy Zed are usually up for a cuddle. They make intelligent little companions and fit well in a “lazy” lifestyle.

Newfoundlands are usually gentle giants. They make excellent companions and require minimal exercise despite their size, especially in hot weather.
Also bred as lap dogs, Pekingese are usually very comfy on the couch. My first dog I took care of as a child was my elderly neighbour’s Pekingese named Ming. Ming was the best playmate and loved lots of cuddles, hair brushing, games and walks.
Pugs are adorable funny little squishy faced pups originally bred as companions. They are usually extremely affectionate and love the couch and bed. They are known as velcro dogs and Kilo follows me everywhere.
They do need lots of attention and exercise and can have bursts of energy (zoomies) but several short walks or sessions of puggy playtime keep them happy and they are usually chill the rest of the day. Kilo loves baby agility, trick training, games and several short walks a day at comfortable times. They can tend to obesity and they don’t do well in extreme temperatures so you do need to plan meals and routines to keep them fit.
Saint Bernard
The Saint Bernard can make a great watch dog or “nanny dog” that will lounge around the house all day.
Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu is a friendly little companion dog that can be the perfect less active person or senior’s pet with proper training. They are usually happy indoors and following you around the apartment all day will give them lots of daily exercise.
Dogue de Bordeaux
Please take the Great Dane off the list!!!! People buying one of these, expecting him to sit around the house all day, will be rudely awakened. Unless they can wait until they are at least 3 years old. I am currently on GD #7 – love the breed; but I can tell you during their first two years, if they are not given a place to run and stretch their legs – everyday – their owner is going to come home to a very frustrated puppy, at the very least.