Reader Interactions


  1. Tenacious Little Terrier says

    Good luck! We shared on Twitter. Mr. N is very good around food but our foster pup was like Kilo. I was eating a Frosty once and I turned around to look for something (with the Frosty still in my hand) and he started eating out of it.

  2. Cathy Armato says

    Adorable!! I love Doritos too, Kilo so don’t feel guilty. I didn’t realize you were such a devil in the kitchen LOL! I’ll do my part to help you win – Good Luck!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  3. April says

    Wow, what an exciting contest! I know I couldn’t get Bain to hold a Dorito, ever. Or any type of food. Lol!

    Kilo is absolutely adorable! A big hello from Gogo Dogo!

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