Don Cherry’s Pet Rescue Foundation Gives Back
Canadian icon Don Cherry is famous not only for his love of hockey, but also for his love of dogs, especially his white bull terrier, Blue. Now Cherry is taking his star power to give back and fundraise for pet rescue organizations.
He recently launched Don Cherry’s Pet Rescue Foundation, which will provide financial assistance to registered pet rescue organizations and educate the public on animal welfare.
Don and the Foundation have partnered with a new dog treat line called Simply Pets. Don will endorse the products and all of Don’s share of profits will go directly to the Foundation and be used as funding for shelters and rescues.
Simply Pets are using their packaging to further educate and share stories of rescue dogs. Each package will have an actual rescue dog on it, along with their story you can read on their website, Although some stories are heartbreaking, they all have happy endings and a great message. The treats are Canadian-made, veterinarian-approved, created by Chef Maurizio. These only the first of many Simply Pets products that will be launched. They will be sold exclusively at Walmart and PetSmart stores.
In an interview with the Toronto Sun Don Cherry said “I can’t stand the thought of any dog being hurt or suffering…I knew I had to give something back after all they have given me.” So Cherry set out to help those working directly in the “trenches” of animal rescue by providing volunteer based organizations with the funds they need to continue.

We chatted with Cherry’s daughter and president of Don Cherry’s Pet Rescue Foundation Cindy, at the Canadian Pet Expo about all the amazing work they are doing to advocate for rescue dogs.
The Foundation is completely volunteer run and the only benefactors are the animals and those who want to help them. Cindy’s dog Lucy was her inspiration in establishing Don Cherry’s Pet Rescue Foundation.
Lucy’s story
“Her so-called “owners” went to jail and left her for dead in their apartment. If the superintendent does not hear her desperate barks for help, she dies. With her voice hoarse from barking and near starvation, she is taken to the nearest Pound. There she lingers for years, until she’s deemed unadoptable, for she is too old and part Pit-Bull. She is then put on the PTS (put to sleep) list. Her caregivers just can’t bear it and call a Pit-Bull Rescue Group called Ador-A-Bull. It is from there she comes into my life and I get educated into the world of animal rescue. I soon realize that helping each individual animal in need, will not work for me, I have to look at the bigger picture. I figure it is best to assist the hundreds of organizations that can only survive by having people like you and my Dad believe in their work.
Lucy is gone now, but she will forever live in my heart. She is my driving force and strength in making Don Cherry’s Pet Rescue Foundation a success at eliminating the pain and suffering of unwanted pets throughout Canada. ” Cindy
In Cindy’s live chat at the expo, she explained the goal of the foundation is to educate and encourage Canadians to adopt rescue dogs. She shed light on the dangers of buying dogs from pet stores or online sellers that can be linked to horrific puppy mills. For more information on Puppy Mills see our recent post “Say NO to Puppy Mills”.
Cindy stressed the importance of research and responsibility as a pet owner and the need to understand the commitment of getting a dog. Her own passion and commitment came through strongly.

I love how they are showcasing dogs on their treat packages, wouldn’t it be great if they were dogs available for adoption? There are so many worthy rescues out there it is hard to choose where to donate.
Thanks for joining the blog hop.
I like the partnership with the brand so we just have to spread awareness and possibly if appropriate foster or adopt or volunteer.
Love Don Cherry. (Are you surprised this Yankee knows him?) It is nice of him to work so hard for rescues. Thanks for sharing on the hop.
So happy you know him. He is a legend here and always helps rescues. I love the partnership with business and the ideals.
I had no idea Don Cherry helped out rescues – good for him!
Yes- he’s always been really generous donating but now he has taken it to a new level. He and Cindy are real dog lovers and big supporters of rescues.
That’s awesome. I like to see partnerships like these!
What a great partnership to help raise awareness and fund money for pet rescues. I love that all the profits from Don Cherry’s endorsement on the treat line called Simply Pets will go straight to the Foundation.
I’m glad to hear that a celebrity like Don Cherry is jumping in to help dogs! I am familiar with him because my husband is a huge hockey fan. Lucy’s story is so sad, but I’m glad that she finally got the love that she needed. It’s horrible that there are so many stories like that. Hopefully this organization will be able to do a lot of good for the dogs.
My husband is a huge hockey fan too. Hopefully Don can use his celebrity and help dogs like Lucy. XS
Such a sad story in the middle there. I’m glad some good came out of it.
I love this partnership between Don and Simply Pet. What a wonderful way to give back financially while raising awareness.I will definitely check out their products. This post put a smile on my face for the day, thank you.
I had no idea he was into animal welfare; that’s so awesome. I love that they’re help spreading the word about how great rescue can be.
I always love learning about companies that give back!