Fall hiking is a great way to enjoy the beautiful outdoors and stay fit with your dog!
There’s nothing better than getting out with your best friend to do a bit of exploring. Now that the heat of summer is over, the cooler temperatures of fall make it more pleasant for your dog to be outdoors exercising, so take advantage. Check out your local dog park, dog friendly hiking trails or dare to take a drive and explore somewhere new! Whether it is on a mountain climb, wandering along the shore of the beach or in a city ravine, here are some of the reasons for hiking with your dog:
Benefits For your dog:
1) Exercise Keeping in shape and healthy is important! Over 50% of dogs are overweight and regular exercise is a great way to burn calories and build strength and fitness.
2) Bonding Hiking increases the bond between you and your dog.
3) Variety All the different smells and terrain will be all very exciting for your dog! Different movements, speeds and terrain can also help build strength, balance, fitness, and endurance.
4) Cure Boredom, Prevent Unwanted Behaviours A long hike and tons of fresh air will tire your dog out. This helps prevent destructive behaviours like digging and chewing.
5) Socializing This is a great way to meet other hikers and dogs along the way! Who knows ,you may find yourself joining a hiking group!
The benefits are not only for your dog! Hiking with your dog has great benefits for YOU as well!
1) Exercise and FUN!
2) Reduces Stress Hiking is a sure way to get those endorphins flowing and smiles happening.
3) Photo Opportunity Countless breathtaking scenery and your dog in front of beautiful backgrounds awaits you. Don’t forget your camera!
4) Solitude Or Socializing After a long day or a crazy work week, either getting away from everything and everybody or getting together with friends and family depending on your mood, can be great. I
When hiking, especially if you head off the beaten track, make sure to always take reasonable safety precautions and lots of water for you and your dog/s.
Be proActive and start your journey to a healthy lifestyle today!
Check out some of these great Meetup Groups in Ontario for dog hiking HERE
For a list of National Parks in Ontario with dog friendly hiking click HERE
Provincial Parks that offer dog friendly hiking HERE
Check out our friends from the Fit Dog Friday Blop Hop and Twitter for more on hiking with dogs!
youdidwhatwithyourwiener.com Hiking 101
Great post and great lists of reasons to hike with your dogs – it’s one of my and Kayo’s favorite activities! ;0)
Nothing is better than exploring the outdoors with your dog!