Get Inspired By Highlights From Dog Rescue Gala
Today I am so inspired by Carol and Darlene Bryant of Fidose of Reality and the Wigglebutt Warriors, as well as the rest of our dog loving community.
What could make you feel better than dressing up in your finest for a magic night with friends, raising money for dogs in need at a Dog Rescue Gala. I got a preview from Carol at Global Pet Expo and knew I could not miss it. Carol and Darlene put in so much work and organized a spectacular evening – Wigglebutts Uncorked. It was a sold out 2-day fundraiser held this past weekend that I was lucky enough to attend with 200 other supporters, their dogs and of course Carol’s own inspiration, adorable cocker spaniel Dex. The event benefitted the NYC Second Chance Rescue.
Gala Event Highlights
The amazing dog-friendly event was a black tie gala complete with a red carpet and “paw”-parazzi. The stars were out in style. Most of these dogs dress better than I do.
It was great to meet Chloe Kardoggian™ , a celebrity senior chi rescue. She showed that age is not an issue for this sweet party girl. Her mom is a pretty cool graphic designer too I discovered.

Andrea Arden, of Animal Planet fame, was the official celebrity emcee and did a wonderful job.
The Setting, People and Dogs
I loved the Gala venue – America’s Oldest Winery: Brotherhood, in Washingtonville, New York. The tables looked amazing, so elegant. Our table was full of great people and dogs.
I hit the jackpot sitting next to smart, fun and gorgeous PR Maven Dana Humphrey, who seemed to know tons of people and dogs. Wonderful to talk to and a great dancer, plus a secret Canadian.

On the other side, I was joined by Amy and Pup Scouts from Troop 4 – such beautiful obedient dogs. I must admit to major camera and photography skill envy – Amy took way better photos than mine.
Across from me, I was so pleased to meet table mates Mr America and co! Beautiful big Leonbergers doing beautiful things.
At the next table was one of my new best friends and media sponsor Sam Ratcliff of Vegas Rock Dog Radio- what a dynamo (unfortunately no pics of us came out). Plus one of my favorite pet people, fellow Canadian, Amy from Pet Guide.

The Food and Wine
The food and wine were excellent. Yummy appetizers then a delicious buffet with a good range of salads, pasta, veg, ham, beef and turkey.
Dr. Harvey’s did a healthy, yummy “Smorgasbark “for all the dogs in attendance which the dogs at my table certainly enjoyed. Kilo will enjoy the samples in the swag.
Presentations and Entertainment
Love – Carol and Darlene renewed their vows in a very moving ceremony. It was so special to share their joy and love.
We all enjoyed the singing performance by PupScouts Troop 4 and an incredible song by talented Lorien Clemens “It’s Only Love”.

Merrick Pet Care did a “Best Day Ever” presentation to benefit rescue dog, Baby Joey. Baby Joey was tortured and abused as a puppy and had his rear legs cut off. It is hard to believe human cruelty sometimes. See Carol’s story about him here.
Luckily he was rescued by NYC Second Chance Rescue then found an incredible foster and his recovery, physio and prosthetics haver been supported by Merrick Pet Care. Some Raffle $ went towards his treatment. He is now looking for his forever home.
The Wiggy Awards were sponsored by a new company My Pet Harmony. It must have been so difficult to award the prizes as all the dogs looked gorgeous and behaved so well.

We loved meeting the stylish the rescue Pugs and other winners and attendees.
We were also happy to meet My Pet Harmony as their App to help people find the right rescue dog for their lifestyle, budget and personality sounds great. We may even be able to work with them on our new TV series “Finding Forever”.
There were fabulous Swag bags, raffles, and even a diamond necklace giveaway.

Best of all there was music and dancing. Who knew Carol had such great moves.

Friends who were missing but there in spirit supporting!
Just shows what is possible with passion and creativity. Do you have any great ideas for fundraisers- we shared some here? Any uplifting stories of rescues?
I think those dogs dress better than I do! *lol* So, ‘going to the dogs’ is a compliment in my case! :O) Glad to hear the fundraiser went well. Looks like everydog and his or her person had a good time!
Here’s my Inspire Me Monday!
They did indeed and you’re so right
We sure did – a family affair for dog lovers of the highest order!
Looks like a fun night! You can tell how much work Carol put in. Love Chloe’s dress!
Most of the dogs had amazing outfits. Carol and Dar did an incredible job.
Thanks so much – loved having Flat Oz there! We missed you!
SO blessed and SO grateful to have you in attendance. What a fantastic recap and I am elated and over the moon that you said yes to coming to the gala. We adore you and this is wonderful. Hugs galore!
Thank you so much for that super cute photo of Puccini & I!!! It is fabulous!! 🙂
Leslie you both looked so gorgeous. It was really fun meeting you!