Celebrate Summer! Get out and Walk but don't forget to Stop & Smell the Roses. This Fit Dog Friday we'd like share some fun ideas on enjoying the last days of summer from the Talent Hounds Community Swimming "Roxy loves to swim!! So of course we invite her in the pool to cool off. We all have super fun swimming and throwing her ball so that she dives in to … [Read more...] about Celebrate Summer!
Kilo Update & Healthy Treats for Dogs
Kilo Update & Healthy Treats For Dogs Little Kilo has settled in so well and is super loveable and loving with my family and team, but strangers and other dogs are still a challenge. We are working on basic obedience and serious behaviour modification using positive training methods. We are trying to get him to associate new people and dogs with happy thoughts … [Read more...] about Kilo Update & Healthy Treats for Dogs
Fit Dog challenges
I am in my second week with little foster Pug Kilo facing a few Fit Dog Challenges. He is so cute, sweet and calm in the house except for twice a day when he gets the zoomies and likes to chase and chew his toys (or any stray fingers or dirty socks). He has quite a drive to chase and tug, but not to retrieve. He is very agile, and a great sprinter. Unfortunately our … [Read more...] about Fit Dog challenges
Getting fit with Kilo the Pug
Getting fit with Kilo the Pug My new little walking buddy is doing wonders for my Fitbit Step Count. We take him for 2 medium walks and 3 short ones a day- he is high on energy in bursts but not great stamina, so perfect for me and my bad knees. We also play with toys whenever he wants to chew- he thought it was funny to steal my socks after our walk this morning but quickly … [Read more...] about Getting fit with Kilo the Pug
Dogs Swimming to Get Fit!
Dogs Swimming to Get Fit! Swimming is a great way to get in shape and perfect for staying cool on hot summer days. We have been having a great time enjoying the Canadian and NY Lakes on the weekends with our fur-pals (only bad news is that it does not register on my Fitbit). We went to Fit Dogs here in Toronto to film some fit dogs and to get some great tips … [Read more...] about Dogs Swimming to Get Fit!