Weight Loss Tips- Slow Down! Well the cold continues here which has made it hard for me to get outside, get active and stick to my diet. I had lunch with an old friend who had just finished a big study on human obesity prevention. As she watched me "wolfing" down my meal, she told me the single best weight loss secret : eat slower. Chew and savour each mouthful for as long as … [Read more...] about Weight Loss Tips- Slow Down!
Weight Loss Success- Poncho
Weight Loss Success for Poncho the Chihuahua! We are so happy to announce that Talent Hounds member Poncho has been having great success in his goal of slimming down and getting healthy! Since we first met him when filming for our new upcoming Fit Dogs Rock! episode coming to the Pet Network, Poncho has lost a few pounds already and is noticeably more trim and full of … [Read more...] about Weight Loss Success- Poncho
Happy Valentine’s Day- Get Walking!
Happy Valentine's Day from gorgeous Fit Dogs Sweetie and Sheby Star who keep very active doing tricks, playing games and walking. Experts recommend that humans and dogs be physically active at least 30-60 minutes a day to stay healthy, and walking is one of the easiest ways to achieve this. This past week, as the deep freeze continued, I did more than my fair share of … [Read more...] about Happy Valentine’s Day- Get Walking!
Cold weather warning
Well all my new year's resolutions have been challenged with this freezing cold weather I am living in. It may look pretty, but at -20'C with bitter winds today, it is just not pleasant outside for more than a quick pee for many humans and dogs. And to top it off, I have my second flat tire in 3 weeks. Boo! Leaving the warmth and comfort of my bed or couch is … [Read more...] about Cold weather warning
Get Fit with Smart Wearables & Smart Apps!
Dogs and People who are physically active live longer and have a lower risk for obesity, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, depression, and some cancers. The recent International CES 2014 (Consumer Electronics Show ) was full of news of health and fitness wearables and gadgets, from smart watches, glasses, sensors and jewellery, to wristband fitness trackers and sleep … [Read more...] about Get Fit with Smart Wearables & Smart Apps!