Finding the right dog requires doing your homework.
We always recommend doing research on what type of dog matches your lifestyle and then checking rescue organizations and shelters first. My little rascal Kilo the Pug was adopted from Homeward Bound. See the story of how I adopted him here.
Do you know the 15 signs of a bad breeder?
However, if you do decide to purchase a specific puppy from a breeder, it is absolutely vital that you carefully research the place you are intending to buy from.
The benefits of a responsible dog breeder, like knowing familial health issues, a good temperament, early socialization, and the registration of your pet, can be lost when a puppy mill decides to disguise itself as reputable. Scam artists are notoriously savvy when it comes to tricking hopeful dog owners, but there are some key red flags to look out for.
Here is our list of important factors to consider, and what to stay away from when choosing the right breeder:
#1. Price
A dog’s love is priceless, so they say, but there is an important clue in this. If your dog breeder is offering you a puppy for a bargain bin rate, you may have chosen a subpar facility. Googling your breed may provide you with an accurate average cost for your breed in your area, which can help prevent you from being sold a sick, mistreated or unsocialized pet.
A good dog breeder will have invested time and money in vet care and training, so a well-bred dog will not have a discount price tag. Be wary of puppy “sales,” especially if they are advertising getting a pet for a holiday season. Breeders will stay away from impulse buyers who need a fast gift for a holiday as this may lead to the dog being unwanted or given to a shelter when the decision is regretted.
#2. What do they ask you?
A good breeder will be keen to answer your questions as they take pride in their business, but they will also want to know about you. A breeder will want to make sure you have the ability, resources and knowledge to properly take care of their puppy. They may ask about your activity levels or time committments or home (and garden) in order to make sure the breed is the right fit for you and your lifestyle. For example huskies may do best in a yard with high fences. A good breeder will want to make sure you are a match, not just a paycheck to cash.
#3. Can you visit the facility?
Never agree to have a dog breeder meet you somewhere other than the facility or ship your pet to you (unless you are looking for a rare breed not offered where you live and require purchasing a dog from another location, and even then it’s better to make the trip out to the location if you are serious about your breeder’s legitimacy). Even though you may think it’s nice that your breeder wants to “save you the trip,” a breeder that will not, or is hesitant about, letting you see their facility is a HUGE red flag. A breeder that is running a pristine business will be more than proud to show you how the puppies are living. In fact, some breeders will insist that you do visit before you purchase a puppy, so you meet them face to face.
#4. How do the puppies act?
When you visit the facility to meet the puppies, take note of their behavior. Are they lethargic? Are they fearful? Do they cower or growl? These can be key insights into their overall health and socialization level. A puppy that is well socialized should be careful yet curious, and open to being handled and pet. If they are being treated well, a puppy should be bright and alert, unless they are having a nap.
#5. Do they Let you Meet the family? How does mom look?
Puppy mills overbreed female dogs, keeping their health on the back burner. A good breeder will introduce you to your puppy’s lineage for a variety of reasons. It is important that you meet a parent as to discern their health, look, and temperament. If the breeder keeps the mother in a separate location, it’s a safe bet that she is being mistreated. Ask your breeder how many litters the mother has had, if the number is high, or they are unsure, run.
According to the AKC, licensed breeders should:
- Not mate a bitch less than 12 months old.
- Not whelp more than four litters from a bitch.
- Not whelp two litters within a 12 month period from the same bitch.
A breeder will keep excellent records of a mother dog’s birthing history.
#6. What do their references say?
A good list of references is an important part of finding the right breeder. Look for reviews of the breeder online, even checking their rating on the Better Business Bureau. If it seems like there are no ratings, the company could be made up. A better breeder will happily show you a list of references from happy customers.
#7. Do they Know the Breed?
Don’t be afraid to ask detailed questions about the breed of dog you are purchasing, a good breeder will know their health, temperament, and history inside and out. If a breeder is serious and passionate about a breed, you can tell. If they have to guess, lie about it, or google simple answers, you might want to turn back.
Try our fun quiz for Choosing the right breed of dog
#8. Do they give you pedigree and health records?
If the dealer doesn’t give you any papers when you purchase a puppy, you’ve made a mistake. A breeder should provide you detailed vet records of the puppy’s vaccinations and general health updates. If your dog is coming from a registered pedigree, their certificates should also be included. Buying a dog is a paperwork-heavy experience, you should walk away with documents.
#9. Do they ask you to sign a contract?
Speaking of paperwork, your breeder will usually make you sign a contract as well. You must be vetted by a seller and may even have to agree to a home-check. This contract will include key information that will let the breeder know you are a responsible individual. They may even check up on the dog once it has been sold to make sure things are going well.
#10. How do they want you to pay?
Always pay by credit or debit when buying a dog, as this leaves a paper trail. If your breeder refuses to accept anything but cash or wire transfer, you could be getting scammed. A company that is not legitimate will not want to pay taxes, and may try to hide the purchase by receiving cash.
#11. Where else have the puppies been sold?
Are the puppies being sold by the side of the road? Have you seen the breeder at a flea market or in a parking lot trying to sell dogs? That is illegal in most places and one of the KEY signs of a puppy mill. A breeder will sell dogs out of their breeding facility, which they invite you to visit.
#12. Is their website original?
Does the information on their website come up on other sites when you search it? Are there paragraphs lifted from Wikipedia? Lazy plagiarism of other, more reputable, breeder websites is a scuzzy tactic used by scammers.
#13. How old is your puppy?
If your puppy is under 6 weeks, though ideally 8 weeks, your breeder is not legitimate. A dog must stay with its mother for at LEAST 6 weeks. This is the time when it is nursed, cared for, and taught social interaction by its mom and littermates. A puppy taken away too early may have health and behavioral issues.
#14. What is the refund policy?
If you are met with a final sales only ultimatum, your breeder is not legitimate. A proper breeder will want you to be a great match with your dog and be willing to take the dog back if there are issues. A breeder that wants to dump a dog and run will often not have a refund policy.
#15. Do they have a permit?
In some areas, selling dogs will require a permit. It is important that you ask to see it if your city is one that issues them. It goes without saying that a seller without a permit is breaking the law, and probably trying to scam you or unload accidental puppies. Watch out!
I’m trying to purchase a chinook puppy I live in West Virginia the breeder is in Georgia he wants me to send a MoneyGram he claims he’s going to send me paperwork but I want to see it in advance maybe you should give me some advice I would appreciate it thank you very much
Sorry just saw this. Seems like a red flag. Do not send $ if you do not know them.
Do you know anything about My Akc puppies they wanted me to send $100 on cash app or get a razor gift card. And pay the rest when the puppy is delivered.
My Javanese is almost 7. I have always wondered if the breeder was illegal. I purchased him near King George VA. I found the breeder on line. She did not have me come to her house to meet the puppies. She brought the mother and puppies to the house we were at. The mother was small. When I picked my puppy up, she met me at a gas station. Those 2 incidents should have triggered a warning but I bought my little guy. Fortunately he has been healthy. No health issues. But he is not the “normal” 13 # dog. He is 18 pounds and pretty solid!, plus he is a combination of fur; curly and straight. Sooo very soft though.Thankfully as I said healthy. I
I would suggest to anyone to know the red flags.
I feel I “saved” my boy.. but may have perpetuated a problem breeder.
Thank you for sharing. It’s a dilemma I know many have faced as you saved your baby.
Do you know about 95% online are con artists running scams. I got scammed out 3,000. I always for 4 things 1 where are they located. Most will ask you where you are then act as though they are also in your state. 2. I always ask for a breeder license which they will show you since they are not legit 3. I also want to see the pupppy I want with the breeder a face picture 4. I always tell them that I want to come check their puppies – they all say they do not do that. And we know why? Because they do not having any dogs. I found out also while checking out the different sites they took pictures of beautiful puppies and those pictures are also on other people’s adds. They all ask for 100.00 upfront for vet and paperwork. If you do not know them do not give them a dime. This is one of the easier scams to do. Find pictures of puppies beautiful puppies not any ugly dogs.
I am sorry you got scammed. Thanks for the tips.
Sorry. My dog is a Havana’s even and Javanese.,
I searched for a puppy on a site on Facebook, it’s free puppies and dogs for adoption and rehoming, someone from Virginia responded to me she says her Maltese is free I just have to pay $300 to have her sent to me. I really think it’s a scam but trying to figure it out, she swears it’s not a scam , do imasker her her name she told me but I still think it’s scammy
Soounds risky to me. Can you find references. I would not send a stranger money.
I did actually help a friend adopt a puppy from an ad like that. I was nervous but it was only one puppy, and I visited her home twice, saw how well cared for the puppy was and that her reasons for giving up the puppy were legitimate and got the puppy vet checked. All worked out really well.
Omg I think that’s the same lady I dealt with. She told me the exact same thing. I started to get a bit suspicious of her and started asking her several questions. One of my questions was if I could see pictures of the parents and when she refused to provide the I decided it’s a scam and to look elsewhere.
I am looking at a breeder in Yukon. Poodles teacup. I’m not sure if the breeder is legitimate breeder. Apparently the puppy can be shipped today or tomorrow by airplane and it is a 6-7 hour flight. Costs $80 for the puppy to fly in the cargo.
I would never ship a puppy in cargo, especially now. I have seen a few sites with teacup puppies that look so cute but they are usually not what I would consider legit for many reasons. I am not familiar with this one. Better if you can find someone closer with good references you can check and visit once this lockdown is over. You can end up with a ton of health issues buying a puppy on the internet and end up supporting a puppy mill.
I just got scammed from the shipping of a Maltipoo – paid $450.00 and dog never showed.
I am so sorry. I am hearing more and more cases like that. Awful.
My mother just got scammed
Too. Have you had any luck pursuing legal action?
Do you know the name of breeder?
I am looking into buying a german shepherd puppy from a website called goodrich breeders.
How do I know if this is a real site or not?
I am sorry but I do not know them.
They are having a sale on their miniature schnauzers and I am in love with one, but I wonder if they are a legitimate breeder. They are based in San Jose, said they are having a sale bc it’s their 15th anniversary, and yes they ship during covid, but in thermal electronic crates… do you think this is a real breeder?
minichnauzersheavens.com (I’m hoping the 4got the s in schnauzer bc the other irl was taken?)
I am not familiar with them. I would certainly want to check references. I do not think breeders usually have sales like that. They really check up on who is getting their puppies and have only a few with waits.
I’ve been they this there is no such thing as a thermal crate. Call an airport they will tell you. And the scammer will get your money for puppy and you will get the schedule time for puppy to arrive but unfortunately all you will get is a call from shipping company telling you you must rent a thermal crate and it cost about $1200 for the crate, which is a lie.
I want to buy a teacup pomeranian. i emailed the breeder that i found on a website for the puppies. They contacted me by texting my number and also emailed me pictures and asked many questions. The only thing is if it’s a scam. The puppies pictures are very fishy and look like professional ones i could find online. How do i know if they’re being legit or scamming?
There are lots of scams with “teacup” poms. I don’t think I would risk. Is there someone close where you could visit the place.
I have a corgi breeder from Texas offering a corgi for a roughly cheap price but they didn’t want to FaceTime when I asked because they are busy? They asked me to pay through cash app and they’ll send me papers and the dog after. They do however on the website say picking up the puppy from the breeder is an option. Should I trust this?
I would always want to see the puppies and Mom and make sure- sounds suspicious.
I am adopting a pup and I found him on a website where breeders can post their puppies (buckeyepuppies.com). The breeder didn’t include much information about health but told me I would get the vet files. He doesn’t even have an address just a P.o. box. He doesn’t have a website or facebook linked either. The pictures of the dogs are highly edited but all in the same locations. I did a reverse image search and nothing came up. He said we could do halfway meetup or full delivery to my house because of what is going on right now. The price is $1500 plus 100 for delivery, and it’s an 8 week old Pomsky. I’m worried about scams because my mom almost got scammed once and I do not want to support someone who is not legit.
Seems very suspicious. I know people who have been scammed and Pomskies are a mix that could be a risk.
1500 for a mix breed is pretty sketchy to me… that should raise huge red flags for you…
I just found a breeder online at puppy finder,, female black lab for almost 600. He responded to my email quickly and was brief with answers to my questions. I requested pictures of the dog and he told me he would text me. He offered to meet us where he is also giving another family a puppy we live over 3 hours away and it cuts our trip by 3 hours but he offered to meet us BEFORE I told him where I live. Should I be worried? His other puppies went insanely quick. He told me he is a small family breaker and they do not have a website. We have been searching for a long time and I don’t want to be blind to red flags by how badly our family wants a lab. Our last lab was incredible and lived 13 years an passed due to complications with hip issues and old age. Is it worth the risk?
I would certainly check references and see the mother if possible and make sure vet checks. My lab Cookie lived to 13.5 and was incredible too.
What is average price for Great Dane pup and how much is average delivery fee
Sorry I am not sure. I know a few owners in Toronto and could ask if they know?
I just got scammed by dogzpuppies.com
Paid $450.00 and they wanted Zelle pay
Today I was to receive call/e-mail about delivery this morning……and no call, won’t answer the
phone and so – Painful lesson…..I filed a legal complaint the the government, etc.
Today i was auppose to recieve my puppy and havent can you update me on this
He is a scammer! Got me too!
I was looking for a puppy on classified.com
And came across this ad *
And I’ve never purchased a pet so I have not one clue as to how this goes. The owner corresponds via text and email. Stated the puppies are registered with the AKC and he has all paper work. The puppy is a Yorkiepoo $500 he asked if I could come visit the dog in Portland. I live in OH so that was a no. He said he would use a Courier service to get the puppy to me and that would be who I payed.
He asked a lot of questions. Said his wife who passed was a breeder he’s not. And does not have the time to spend with the two puppies he has left. It was a liter of 6 there are 11 weeks old now. I mean he said they’re weewee pad trained and all sorts of things. Wanted to know a lot about me ect.
Sounds like he is asking the right questions. Can you Google his wife and see. Maybe you could do a Zoom or Facetime visit with the puppy? Check with AKC?
Found a puppy with a Gmail address and the breeders phone number or Gmail address is not found on Zell and that is how he wants to be paid can we trust this breeder I really love this teacup Pom?
I would want more details and references etc. The puppy could look cute but how do you trust them? It could have all sorts of health issues and you do not want to support puppy mills or they could just take your money. If they are a legitimate breeder they will proudly share information and check that the puppy is going to a good home too. I would inssist on a Zoom or Facetime visit to see the home/facility and puppy at least?
I wanted to get a Samoyed puppy the price is 750 I found him on Dream Land Samoyed.I read some reviews on this website called Pet scammers or something like that. They said that Dream Land Samoyed are scammers so I don’t know if they are right or not. They also have no location of where they are shipping from, their website seems real though.
I am not familiar with them. If they are listed as scammers and have no location they may well be scammers. Can you ask them for a location and visit or have live video contact?
We’re looking for a labradoodle puppy and found a breeder and the lady has sent pictures and videos of the litter and provided her address already, which matches the gps on the pictures she sent. But she ignored our question to see a picture of the mom (could have been accidental) and is asking for a deposit of 300 on Zelle, and the other 1200 when we get the puppy.. She said she’d provide us with the papers when we come to pick up the puppy at the end of the month when he’s 8 weeks old. We were able to find her Facebook account and she seemed legit but had no pictures of any puppies on her Facebook. Is zelle a good source of transaction and is it unusual that we won’t get the papers until we pick up the puppy?
It is common for a good breeder to ask you to pay a deposit and then pick up the papers and puppy together after 8 weeks as they often have wait-lists for their puppies. It is good to see pics and videos of the litter but a red flag not to see the parents of the puppy. Maybe ask again as important for health, size, temperament etc. What papers is she providing? I have not used Zelle but seems to be gaining popularity in US for these type of transactions. You have her address which is great. I know it’s hard now but could you visit ahead?
ima goldenretrievers
I want to know if this website is a scam? They have testimonials on their website
Sorry I am not familiar with them but I do not know that many. Maybe ask the AKC.
My wife and I are looking at a blue French Bulldog for a breeder in Seattle WA.
Basils french bulldogs
The price is very reasonable but I cannot find out any information on this breeder. Tried doing a google image search on the puppy with nothing else showing up.
Breeder won’t or can’t FaceTime. They sent two more pictures and looks like the same dog.
They use Zelle, cash app and google pay for payment. How can I verify this breeder so I do not get scammed. He is not a member of the national breed group.
They claim to breed show dogs etc- maybe check with AKC. If they will not Zoom or Facetime and show you the facility and puppy, I would be very wary.
I am checking out a website called attactivefrenchbullies.com
They website is very slick and they seem legit but the prices are low and I can’t find reviews on google. Anyone ever see these guys? Thanks!
I was looking at this website and found a bunch of testimonials as well as detailed information about them, purchase procedure, health guarantee and how if I’m not happy with the puppy I can return them. The email that they sent also told us how the dog will come with its paper works. The breeder seems to be real and did not see any red flags. But as I was going through with purchasing they told me to pay through moneygram. They told me that the puppy was $600 USD and send it to Pennsylvania. I was just excited and didn’t think about it too much but as I was talking to my friends about it, I realized they said their location was in Ontario. So I emailed back asking about it and they told me how they are located in Ontario. I also ask about the whole “USD” when they are located in Canada and again they responded with “yes it is in CAD.”
We are looking into getting a puppy and have check AKC.org. Breeder is a member. Guarantees the pup for one year if inheritable/congenital defects. Will only accept cash/Venmo. Will meet us. We checked BBB and there were more negative then positive comments. All had a story. We understood negative is always highlighted before positive. But all were cases of being sold sick puppies. Should we give it a shot?
Hi, I very close to purchasing a miniature schnauzer through a site (MiltSchnauzer). They said I can pick up or she can be ship within 24 hours. They are In Brownsville, Tx and I am in LA. We have been texting and they answered my questions. The only form on payment is Zelle., I’m just so nervous it’s a scam, I would be heartbroken.
They sell teacup puppies for 500.00 and free shipping. Their site has all different types of puppy picture’s but have no idea if this breeder is legit. Have you heard of them?
No sorry I haven’t. Teacup puppies look so cute in pics but make me very nervous.
I just put a deposit down for a puppy at this place called misty pines kennel . They look legit but don’t have Facebook or instagram but they have really good reviews is it legit do you think?
Where did you see the reviews? Let me know how you go.
I’m really interested in an australian shepherd but I’m super worried it’s a scam. First I asked for more pics, they said no. And they want money through venmo and cash app, or family and friends on paypal. They’re selling them for 550$, I see the range 600-800, so maybe it’s not that bad? Anyone know anything about Summy Family Horses in oklahoma? They have a website and Facebook. But not many reviews. It looks pretty real, but I want to be sure.
Very strange not to send pictures and history. I would definitely look for references.
Thank you for the tips!
I wanted to ask your opinion, if the breeder doesn’t have a website but has most of their other information on just a facebook page (that is relatively new because they only have a few reviews, albeit positive reviews), is it still a red flag? I am planning on contacting the breeder but am just a bit hesitant when the only thing I see is on social media.
As an FYI, everything seems in order on their page (they have their contact info, list that puppies come with CKC registration, and clear for DW, EIC and VWD 1) and they have only a couple of reviews, albeit positive ones.
Thank you.
Sorry this question slipped by me. Can you check with CKC and the Facebook dog groups in their location? Then can you visit?
Have you heard of the beverly corgi puppies site? I am wanting to know if it is legit? The buyer is asking to use Zelle or ApplePay. The photos sent cannot be found on another other site when searched for?
Thank you
I have not heard of them – I would definitely want references.
Is the website Vintage Retrievers a scam?
I am not familiar with them, sorry.
They are a scam. I found the same pictures that they claimed were ‘their puppies’ on line at a popular golden retriever site.
They ask for money up front . Could not find them in the city and state that they claim they are in.
We are trying to purchase a Pembrooke Welsh puppy from dogz puppies out of Austin, TX area. The puppies are half price for their 10 year anniversary sale. We are in California. The website looks legitimate but the breeder wants a screenshot of my Cash app account. I can’t find anything else online about this company. Any thoughts?
Seems suspicious. I would not trust without good references.
I have found the teacup puppy I want on a website . For a deposit they send me a link wich is directed to their account , does that sound like a scam ?
The website locked very good braeth taking maltipoo home, the price was good and low. they are in Newfoundland NB. but I can not get there address or name I needed for delivery of the money. I get no reply on this question.
Would or could you please answer me. PS: I live in Ontario
Yours truly Mr. Eldridge
I have not heard of them. Could be a scam if you do not have an address of their place and you can’t see the mom etc.
He is a scammer! Got me for a pug!
Me and my fiancée was on the way to the breeder house from Instagram and had already sent a $500 deposit and they scammed us and took us to a wrong address. Now I’m up trying to find websites and came across the website melvis yorkieshire terrier and they seem legit. The only thing is they have to ship the dog and I’m scared I’m going to get scammed again.
I would not ship the dog or pay anything without seeing the breeder and getting references.
It’s a scam! Don’t do it!
Dogzpuppies.com out of Austin Texas is a scammer! Asked all the “right” questions. Text only reply, videos, computer answering from web site. Paid deposit. Never received follow-up. Please don’t fall for anything he tries selling you! My loss may be your gain.
We are looking at purchasing a American Pit Bull Terrier puppy from Robert Pitbulls Home in Austin Texas. It says the puppies come registered through UKC. Everything else seems to have no red flags. Just curious of your thoughts and expertise? Please advise? Thank you for your time.
I do not know them. Can you see video of the parents and facility?
Do you know any good breeders of toy poodles in Texas? Or anywhere near Texas ?
Sorry I do not. Maybe on the AKC site?
I’m getting a White Swiss Shepherd this fall from Wildwood White Swiss Shepherds. Their site seems pretty legit, but we haven’t gotten to meet them yet (covid).
I found Aussiedoodles on craigslist and texted the person who posted. They said they only have one puppy left for $650 which seems cheap for doodles. He sent me pics of the mom (very small poodle) and dad (Australian shepherd). He offered to hold the puppy for me until tomorrow and said I could come to see it – it’s over an hour away so I’m not sure that I can get there by tomorrow. Most of the pics he sent of the dogs are outside and it looks like they live on a farm. It doesn’t seem like they’re a registered breeder so I’m concerned about potential health issues. He said the puppy has its first round of shots and dewormed. I’m not familiar enough with vet paperwork to spot if it’s fake. Do you think this is legit? Trying to figure out if I should drop everything and drive over there or just pass on it because it’s better not to rush.
A bit off to breed a small Mom with a bigger Dad but maybe it was an accident? If you really want an Aussie poodle mix puppy urgently, I would definitely drive over and see it- an hour seems pretty close.
The paperwork you can check with the vet listed and you know where they live. I am not sure mixed breed breeders are really “registered” except maybe for the purebreed dog parents so most people I know with poodle mixes go with good word of mouth and check the parents.
Was interested in a yorkie from mamelvisyorkieshireterrier The website seems real, photos, testimonials etc. After contacting for more information, I asked if I can pick up instead of shipping to see parents on-site. The breeder agreed a day appointment for pickup AFTER purchase confirmed. That’s understandable. They said they only accept payment through Zelle. I’ve never heard of it so after looking it up… it states using bank to bank money transfer to PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND TRUST. There are online articles verifying there is NO PAYMENT PROTECTION/ FRAUD PROTECTION using this service and it clearly states people you trust and know. Scam breeders use ZELLE because of its appearance of safety because it’s used through banks BUT if you’re scammed, there’s nothing you can do to get your money back because you’re agreeing to the transfer. W
When telling the breeder, I only do business through PayPal (which has protection) he was unwilling to go through any other service besides Zelle… The breeder said they’re out if Austin TX but phone number is coming up as Grande Prairie TX
Has anyone heard of a scam concerning Frenchbulldogs looking at a couple on line for my daughter. Rayfrenchieshomes is the breeder.. They say there in Texas.and even gave me an address. Check with police there its a good address but its 26 hours away so they sent me pictures and videos.. they also said do to covid all puppies are being shipped no visitors at this time.. 400 for the puppy 100 to fly them here no charge to have him delivered to the house. They sent me a copie of breeder license. No pictures of the parents. Talked to my bank. They said if I spend the money and don’t get a puppy money can be reversed. Thoughts??
I have heard of many scams as Frenchies tend to be expensive to breed and one of the most popular breeds in the US. However I am not familiar with this breeder. Both the puppy price and the flight and delivery costs seem rather cheap. Also scary to fly them as I have heard they can have breathing issues on flights. Great your bank will refund if they don’t deliver.
have someone heard about home of goldendoodles.com?
I want to buy a dog from Breeder family home and I want to know if there leiget. My email is olivasrebecca923@gmail.com. I think there in Wisconsin
Hi. I’m trying to buy a boxer from a breeder on Instagram. They seemed really nice. When I said I couldn’t afford the price they were asking, they said that because of the things I said in answer to their questions, they would let me have the puppy for $450. But whats weird is: I don’t know where they’re located. They are Shipping the puppy. And they don’t have any website or reviews. And they are kindave pushy. Three times today they have asked me to update them on my choice. It feels a little sketchy. What do you think?
I would definitely want their address and other details. A good breeder should provide lots of information and references etc. I’d be nervous.
Hello I’ve been looking for a Cavapoo. I’ve seen the price ranges if these dogs so when I found a breeder online that had an amazing deal, I was hooked, but cautious. The site is called Beautiful cavapoo puppies. I’ve asked questions and some they avoid. But not sure never bought a dog like this.. I’m in Ohio they are in NC. The owner says she/ he have been in business for 20 years. When i asked about coming to NC, they’ve avoided the question. They say they want to ship the dog to me by plane, have a contract, will get papers and confirmation of sending dog, but don’t want to get scammed.. they have sent me multiple pictures at their place and also multiple videos of the puppy.. what are your thoughts? Thanks!
I would not want the puppy shipped by plane. Better to go there if you can. They may be legit but there have been some Cavapoo scams recently as they are such a popular mix.
I’m trying to buy a lab puppy from a breeder in Texas. Business name Bright Home labradors. Their website and the emails sent to me include all that was recommended but I cannot find them on the Bbb.org. Is there another way to check the legitimacy of the bleeder?
i was wondering if this is a legit kennel?getting ready to buy but still little scared – website cutedoodleskennel
I am sorry- I was off for a few weeks. I do not know the kennel. How did you go?
Does anyone know if My Dream Kennel is a scam. they sell American bully’s half off right now around 1500 usd per pup which seems close to what their going for I went to send them an e transfer and. T bank called me saying that their account has been flagged for fraud but there a lot of positive reviews etc bank sent my money back and I asked for a picture with a piece of paper with my name and date on it we will see how they respond .
Sounds bad. Can you go there and check?
Hi, have you heard of Roly Poly puppies breeder? The woman seems very sweet and my husband did speak to her on the phone. We are trying to get. Mini golden doodle. She sent us pictures and the pup is 4 months old and she said she has some vaccines and has the paperwork. Issue is that she lives in Pennsylvania and we can’t drive out there, so she offered to bring the puppy to us and wants a deposit through Venmo. She also has a Facebook account with pictures of puppies also. What do you think? Thank you!
Does anyone know anything about a breeder scottshetlandhome.com? I am trying to get a puppy from them but am afraid of getting scammed.
I am looking at a breeder named Kaldo adorable dachshund puppies. She wants a gift card of $50. She says she is being Christian and practically giving me the dog because of my recovery from cancer. I want to pay cash but she is insisting on this gift card. The original price of the dog is $550. Am I being taken for a ride. I have already named the promised puppy and fear having my heart broken. What do you think?
I am trying to purchase a Yorkie puppy from a site called Linda lovely paws on instagram. Just want to see if it is legitimate. They asked for 300 to hold the puppy through Cashapp and the balance in cash.
I was a victim of pet scam , i lost 300 usd to a fake pet shop and didn’t get the dog or my money back. i was introduced to Petaction and they gave me the needed help…
Here clearly explained about 15 signs of bad breeders. It is beneficial for all pet buyers. But I luckily met Petzlover to buy my puppy. They are very legitimate.