As we approach the 2017 Holiday Season, it is very important to remember that “Puppies Are Forever, Not Just for Christmas”!
Puppies Are Forever, Not Just for Christmas.
I have always loved Sia and was pleased to hear her new hit song has a great holiday message about puppies and rescues:
Found my best friend
At the old dog pound
The old dog pound
The old dog pound
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Cause they’re so cute and fluffy with shiny coats
But will you love ’em when they’re old and slow?
Puppies are forever, not just for Christmas
Puppies are forever, puppies are forever.
“Puppies Are Forever” from ‘Everyday Is Christmas’ – out everywhere now! Stream, buy & download the album. Subscribe to SiaVEVO.
Puppy Presents
An adorable puppy can seem like a great gift for a child or a lover or a friend. My children call my little rescue Pug Kilo “the favorite child” and he has brought to much joy into our lives. Many children will beg their parents for puppies again this Christmas. However never buy a cute, cuddly little puppy for yourself or anyone else on impulse.
- Do NOT buy a puppy without checking exactly where your puppy has come from so you are not supporting horrible puppy mills and cruel breeding practises. Always consider adopting. Shelter and rescue puppies can make the most wonderful family members as we explored in our Rescues Rock TV episode and feature series. If you do decide to buy, go to a responsible breeder. Maybe even consider rescuing a senior dog, depending on the age, budget and energy level of the recipient as they can be trained and looking for love.
- DO your research as a puppy is a big commitment in time, money, energy, and space. They require lots of things (eg food, toys, crate, harness, collar etc etc), exercise, vet visits, training, socialization and attention.Puppies often chew on everything and have sharp teeth. They wake up in the night. They have toilet accidents. They break stuff and get hair on everything.They can often live 10 years or more (our rescue Isabelle lived to 15.5 RIP) and they do not stay babies. Senior dogs get old and slower just like us.
- Choose the right breed or breed mix for the lifestyle and age of the recipient after confirming they can commit. For example a herding breed like a border collie would not be good for a downtown apartment with out enough mental and physical stimulation every day.
Things to Consider if Gifting or Getting a Puppy
Read the tips and articles below if you are considering gifting or getting a new puppy and SUBSCRIBE to our Newsletter and YouTube Channel to share more great information and inspiration.
- Things to consider when getting a puppy- see the video.
- 13 things you need for a new puppy.
- Questions to ask before fostering a puppy ( these may apply to anyone adopting or buying a puppy too)
You can always do our fun Dog Breed Quiz and find the ideal friend– Luckily I got party pug.
Did you love the song too? Tell us in the comments and subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
Fantastic post! I have shared on Twitter! This is so important to get the word out that as cute as puppies and kittens are, they are not or should be gifts.
I can’t believe people give puppies for Christmas (I mean REALLY?!?!?!?!)
I could get on a soapbox and really rant about stupid people (let alone the evil ones who leave cats in flats when they leave WTF is that?) and puppies at Christmas.
Puppies grow up, kittens grow up. People SEE that this happens. Kittens and puppies should be banned from sale in December. Buy the person or kid a stuffy instead.
The best I have seen is families giving kids a kit with a gift card to a shelter. I would actually give my own kid a puppy if we had agreed ahead and done the research and I do like the idea of rescues going home for the holidays, especially seniors, but it is a slippery slope.
Thank you! Such a very important message this time of the year! I know people have good intentions and want to make their loved one smile but all too often gifting a pet for the holidays backfires and causes more pets in the shelter! People should NOT give pets as gifts for the holidays!
This is absolutely adorable! What a great way to send an important message! Not sure who ever thought a living thing was a good holiday gift, but I would love to see it stopped!
This is such an important message. Gifting animals is never a good idea, unless it is discussed beforehand. Too many animals end up in the shelters that way! Thank you for the reminder. I’ll have to go check out Sia’s song too!
Yes I can see people getting carried away with the cuteness and “best gift ever” feeling and then we all know reality is not like that all the time. Shelters are always full after Christmas and Easter.
It is very sad that there are still people who are either unaware of this fact or just don’t care. Would they acquire a baby just for the holiday? Actually, maybe some would if they could get away with it. I actually believe that before getting a dog, people should have to earn a “dog owner license,” proving they will be a worthy dog parent(s).
I have to say that many of both the good rescues and breeders I know basically insist on parenting skills, budget, space, training, care and time etc. You sign contracts and get home visits etc. There is no impulse. What worries me is all the others..
I wasn’t aware of the song, I’m going to check it out. Puppies are not a decision to be made lightly! I still don’t think I want one! I like sleeping through the night.
It amazes me that people still give puppies as Christmas presents, whilst they are cute, fun and adorable, the take up a lot of time, patience and money! Far too many puppies/dogs end up in shelters in the New Year, every year!
Awesome post and so important to remember as Puppies are not gifts and so many people make that mistake and then over flow the shelters later
People really need to research the breed of pet and the time and commitment needed for the number of years that pet will live with them. I had a friend who recently purchased dog supplies which were placed under the tree and the family went to the local rescue to pick out their pet after the holidays. Thought this was a great idea.
It is so sad when shelters get filled with new adorable puppies after Christmas time because they were a gift for which they weren’t ready for. Thank you for talking about this important issue 🙂
So great you call attention to this important issue. So many treat gifting a pet at Christmas like a toy, not giving forethought to the full responsibility and sacrifice that’s necessary to raise a dog. It’s a full time commitment until their last breath.
Love the song! This post is definitely an important one. It makes me so upset when people buy puppies as gifts and then “get tired” of them shortly after. Pets are a huge responsibility, it’s another life, and I wish more people realized that.
Yes yes yes. A 100 times yes. So many people purchase puppies without thinking these things though.
Love the video and song! I’ll have to forward it. Puppies and dogs and kittens are not for Christmas!
yes, absolutely! I hope horrible things happen to people who dump puppies a month after Christmas. Puppies are like babies and are forever, not just for christmas photo-ops!
Kudos to Sia for using her notoriety in such a selfless way. We have to speak for animals. Yes, adopt a puppy or dog- not as a gift but as a part of your family.
I have a friend who surprised her kids with an adorable rescue puppy at Christmas and it was truly the greatest gift. Their other dog passed away a few months before, so they knew what they were getting into. I know I’m in the minority, but I really think it depends on the family. When my kids were very small, I wouldn’t have added a dog or puppy during the holidays, but when they were older, it would have been fine.
This is such an important message, especially this time of year!! So many puppies will be given as unwanted “gifts” or gifts the recipient is not well prepared for! Getting a puppy or dog requires thought and planning.
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Love video and song