Rat Terrier Rescue Canada Inc.
A non-profit, volunteer based organization that rescues and fosters Rat Terriers across Canada. They are dedicated to the welfare of Rat Terriers, and work to place Rat Terriers that have been abused, neglected or abandoned into new, permanent and loving homes!
Rat Terriers are a small, active breed that is growing in popularity Canada. Sadly most of the rescued Rat Terriers come originally from puppy mills, pounds, shelters, or owner surrenders. Once under the care of the rescue, they are placed in foster homes for assessment, and to get them ready for their adoptive families.
Fun Fact! Rat Terriers have a lifespan of 15-20 years! So adopting a senior is a great option!
Meet adoptable Cisco! Rat Terrier • Young • Male • Small
We first met the adorable Cisco when Trish Aleve of Pawsome Pet Photography brought him to strut his stuff in the FouFou Dogs Got Talent Show at this years All About Pets Show! He is such a friendly sweet heart!
Cisco, with foster brothers Harley and Buster
Host Beverley Mahood with Trish and Cisco
Cisco was originally found as a stray in Indiana, so little is known about his past. He is approximately 1 year old, and weighs 14lbs. He is very active, and loves to play with both humans and other dogs. Cisco also loves to snuggle up and watch TV. Cisco is looking for a forever home that will give him a minimum of 1 hour of exercise per day!
We are so pleased to say since his runway debut, two families have come forward with interest -Let’s Get Cisco Adopted!
We are happy to report that Cisco got adopted
For more adoptable Ratties, click HERE
Happy Thankful Thursday, Rescue Rock!
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