Mondays can be tough so we put together this compilation of dog memes that capture what it’s like to be human (and what a laugh that can be!) So sit back, relax and enjoy these singing, snoring, beer fetching, farting dogs and forget about the hum drum of your day with us for 2 and a half minutes!
Finding that motivation:
We all have those days that start off with the best of intentions. You tell yourself: “I’m doing yoga”, or ‘I’m going to the gym’ or ‘today, I will only have a salad’ but we all know that sometimes even the best of intentions can be overridden by the smell of bacon cooking!
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing… for a Beer:
I know what you’re thinking: “how can I teach my dog to do this?!” And it’s okay, it’s what we’re all thinking! At the end of a long day working the grind, who wouldn’t want to come home to a gorgeous Border Collie like Nana bringing you a beer?
We all feel the same way about Pizza:
Not only would it be nice to be looked at the way Fishstick looks at pizza, but right now about the only thing I look at with such love is pizza too.
Wishing you were this good of a Singer:
We all have that friend who’s constantly showing off their talents, and sometimes it’s less than impressive, but Louie here was by far one of the most talented dog’s we’ve seen in terms of having such a beautiful, unique singing voice!
Trying to flirt like you’re on “The Bachelor”:
Flirting is a tenuous art, mastered by very few but employed by many… Flapping your tongue at someone is still the best way to let them know that you’re interested right?
Don’t try and pretend this hasn’t happened to you:
The ultimate accomplishment: Farting and getting away with it. ‘Nuff said. Pugs can be a little gassy but Kilo the Pug and Fishstick also often get the blame.
Sometimes we just can’t help it:
We all have loved to hate that partner with a snore like a chainsaw at some point (Or let’s be honest, it may be your mom or your sister…or you) But that first night of realization is always a bit of a rude awakening so to speak!
BOL…. thanks for a great laugh today!
Thank you so much for the laughs! Pets are amazing – they are truly so intelligent! I often look at my dog or cats looking at me – the expressions are priceless! Especially when I am doing something stupid lol
Oh those longing pizza eyes! That pizza looks pretty good… can’t blame Fishstick.
I always enjoy the funny pet videos. Wonder if the dogs (and cats) think humans are as funny and silly as we do them!
What a great way to end a busy week. Thanks for sharing!
Cute dog videos always make any day brighter.
Great memes. My favorite is the singing dog and the last one is so me! So annoyed when hubby starts to snore. LOL
We love a good laugh, it brightens the darkest day, or lifts heavy stress. That pug * giggle *
Now this was a great way to wind down my Sunday. I love seeing memes like this – and the faces really did capture the text, Susan. LOL well done!
BOL! These are too funny! I could watch funny pet videos and memes all day long! Thanks for sharing!
I enjoyed watching all of these, but I think the Pug looking at the pizza is my favorite!
haha! I don’t know why snoring dogs are so hilarious but they always make me giggle! Thank you for a wonderful post full of laughs! Perfect way to end a working Sunday 🙂
Thank you for the before bed laughs! LOL I like how creative the humans can be in the filming or captions.
Love how Lou loves to sing. Thanks for the smiles.
LOL! These are so spot on! I do catch myself looking at pizza like that. I can relate to almost all of these. I actually am a good singer (after all of those lessons I had better be LOL). The rest are all too familiar! 🙂
Thanks for this, it always helps to start a Monday laughing. Pugs always make me laugh, they have such expressive faces. I’m with the one above, I look lovingly at pizza, too!
Too funny. The black pug with the seriously waggy tongue cracks me up! It’s not Kilo is it??
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Haha… cute video! Loved the singing dog, and the border collie trying to cover up to block out the snoring dog! Too funny!