Too much turkey weighing you down and you want to lose weight and have fun with your dog after Thanksgiving? Here are some fun ideas to burn those extra pounds and get active with your dog featuring one of our Rescues Rock! stars, Remi.
Be proActive, lose weight and have fun with your dog!
Kilo the Pug and I love food, especially roast Turkey and all the trimmings. It is easy to overindulge which is not good for either of us. I would like to lose weight after Thanksgiving and was looking for some inspiration and ideas. We were so happy to meet lovely community member Natalie and her two Talent Hounds, Remi and Caleb, at our Rescues Rock! shoot. Remi is a very talented cattle dog mix who needs a lot of physical and mental activity. Natalie was looking for a dog to fit her active lifestyle. Natalie rescued Remi and has taught him lots of tricks and sports to keep them both healthy and happy. He is one very fit dog- neither of them need to lose any weight. I am inspired.
Be ProActive and give your dog regular mental and physical exercise!
Natalie says “it’s not only important to exercise your dog to burn off energy and calories, but try mentally challenging your dog as well”.
Remi the rescue rock star has performed as a guest with The Presidents Choice Super Dogs. He is also an Ottawa Therapy Dog bringing happiness to those in need.
Go Remi! Take a look at some of Remi’s best action shots and get inspired!

Here is Remi’s “Spinning Dog” Trick – he loves playing tug.
He also loves to play with his disc, take walks, and do agility with Natalie which gets both of them active. What a great way to get rid of any extra weight you or your dog gained over Thanksgiving. Sports like agility give both human and dog a good workout.

Rally, canine freestyle dance, obedience, K9 nose-work, tracking, freestyle disc are all great additional activities. You have the option of competition in all of these categories if you want as well. Or you can just train the behaviors for fun. It’s a great way to bond, get fit (and lose weight after Thanksgiving in my case – although Kilo does not show much potential in nose work).
Remi and Natalie sure are lucky they found each other.
Watch Remi’s trick video
Read Slim Doggy’s Thanksgiving Dog Guide HERE
See more behind the scenes of Rescues Rock! HERE
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