Exploring the BC Coast with Dogs
If you are considering a summer trip with your dog, I would highly recommend Victoria, the Sunshine Coast and the Islands north of Vancouver. This past week I have been on a last minute visit, catching up with family and friends and exploring. We have been on planes, roads and ferries. I could not take Kilo the Pug, but I have been pleasantly surprised just how many people were travelling with dogs.
We flew to Victoria (approximately 5 hours) and spent 2 days there. The weather was spectacular so we were able to walk on beaches with dogs like Caesar and Badu, kayak with seals and my husband went fishing and caught a salmon for dinner.
The water was a bit cold for me but this 11-year-old American Bulldog Buster didn’t seem to mind at all.
Oh Dear – Lunching with locals was quite a treat.
We then drove to Comox, caught a ferry to Powell River, drove to a little town on the water called Lund and caught a water taxi to Savary Island.
We met dogs all along the way including this gorgeous golden waiting for the water taxi. He couldn’t wait to get on board.
The beautiful weather continued except for a quick spot of much-needed rain. We biked, hiked, swam, kayaked and explored on Savary and neighbouring islands with friends including a few seals, dolphins, orcas and a bald eagle. Check out these Barkers:
Spotted this majestic eagle watching us:
So many great activities for dogs and humans to keep fit. Every second person we met had brought their dog or dogs including this adorable puppy.
Next door on one side we had two adorable dogs – Westie – Thomas (15) and Scottie – Bea (18 months).
We had a great time playing tug with their “silly bums” toy and fetch on the beach.
On the other side, we had this athletic and lovable Border Collie mix also enjoying the freedom on the beach.
On the way back down to Vancouver we drove and took 2 ferries. We met the cutest Border Collie St Bernard mix Puppy.
Dogs were out having a quick walk before the ferry as they have to stay in the car for the 50-minute ride.
2 pods of Southern Resident Orcas, dolphins, seals and jumping fish were all out and about too.
What a fun place for humans and canines alike!
It’s amazing. Friends drive up all the way from California with their dogs.
Awesome trip! I’ll have to put it on our list of places to visit. When we go on vacation without Mr. N (which is seldom), I always miss him more when I see all the dogs.
Looks like such fun! Yay for exploring new places!
how nice it would be to be able to travel with your pets
Aw I have always wanted to go to B.C! it’s just sooooooo beautiful!
You are your pups and kids would love it I think- just gorgeous.
Victoria looks like such a beautiful place! Canada is very lucky to have so much untouched land. I hope that this was as fun as it seems like it was! 🙂
What a wonderful trip for you and your dogs!
Thanks for sharing with us each week on Twitter – your tweets always catch my eye!
Have a fabulous weekend and come join us for Friendship Friday as well! 🙂
What a great trip! So many beautiful dogs for you to get your Puppy Fix. I know you must have been missing Kilo a lot, it’s such a shame he couldn’t join you on this trip! I love seeing so many dog friendly places!
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
That looks like an amazing trip! And I’m a little jealous of the rain. We really need that here!
Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie
Mom has been there and says it is beautiful. They have tracking tests in Manitoba we may take one day.
That looks like a great place to travel. LOL on the dog swimming in the cold water. Dogs never seem to care.
We were able to spend a day in Victoria, B.C. on our Alaskan cruise. It is gorgeous! I wish that we’d spent more time there and seen some of these cute pups!
You probably went by Savary Island too as the cruise ships used to pass near until very recently. Just so beautiful with mountains, forest, orcas, seals and even grizzly bears (our friend saw 2 adolescents playing on the beach a few hours north by boat- rather relieved they were not close)
What a great place for a doggie vacay! I’d like to go there sometime!
The islands are difficult to get to but so worth it! Just spectacular.
Oh, what a wonderful time for you and dog. I have not been to B. C., but I would love to visit it one day.
What a gorgeous place! I used to have 4 dogs that I traveled all over with this makes me miss those days!
Wow – dats so close to where I live, so yup, gonna give it a whirl! Thanks for your pawesome write up – it’s got me all excited to visit dat area again!
Getting to enjoy the great outdoors with that many awesome doggies around to meet? Sounds like my sort of Paradise 🙂
I would love to visit Canada at some point! Beautiful! And that BC mix puppy is beyond adorable 🙂
Victoria is a beautiful place to visit. A good friend of mine grew up there. It’s magical!
Re spaniel posted above wewring harness, is he missing? If so, we have found him. Contact CAWES at cawes.bowen@gmail.com. Thx. Iris Carr, for CAWES
Thanks so much- I only met the owner very briefly. We were all at either Saltery Bay or Langdale waiting for ferries. I was driving to Vancouver. I can not remember if they boarded the same ferries, but I think so. I believe it was a Dad and young daughter walking with the dog. I took the photo as I have a friend who loves spaniels. If you put a photo on our Facebook page I can share. Helping Homeless Pets also shares lost pets. They seemed pretty devoted so I’m sure they will be looking for him if it is the same family. I think he was a senior dog.
The spaniel in this article has been found on Bowen Island. No owners have been located. Hoping you might remember where you saw him and anything about his owners. Please emsil.
The black and white spaniel in this article has been found with no owners 9 days ago on bowen island. Hoping you might remember thus dog or his ownrrs. Please email