Kilo the Pug is mostly pretty chill but every now and then, he will get a sudden wild burst of energy in the house. His little black ears go back close to his head and his eyes look crazed, as he races around at breakneck speed, dodging through chair legs, under tables and past other obstacles. It always surprises me that he can sprint so fast. He seems to really enjoy it in an unbridled way, then collapses in a happy heap at the end of his run.
Zoomies or Frenetic Random Activity Periods (FRAPS) are usually normal.
At first I was concerned that he had lost his mind and might hurt himself. However according to his vet and various experts I have asked, this behavior is normal. It is also known as Frenetic Random Activity Periods (FRAPS).
Apparently, it is a common way for puppies and even older dogs to burn off energy and then relax. Kilo tends to get the “zoomies” after a bath, after a good walk (and poop) and after a big game of tug with his Dad.
I have noticed other pugs get the “zoomies” at our puggy meet ups and run around chasing each other like crazy.
While I do not believe this is the case with Kilo because of when they occur, Zoomies can occur because a puppy or Pug is not getting enough mental and physical stimulation.
All puppies and dogs need regular exercise and playtime.
Post-Bath Zoomies
Kilo is not a big fan of getting wet. I think he zooms around as he is thrilled his bath is over and is trying to dry off, and maybe trying to get rid of the shampoo smell as he also rolls and rubs on the furniture and carpet.
Post-Walk Zoomies
Kilo often comes in after a nice walk and poop and grabs a stuffed toy to zoomie with for a few minutes. He looks like he is really pleased with himself and races around happily then throws himself on the couch and chews/sucks until he snoozes. It seems like a celebration.
Post-Game Zoomies
Kilo loves playing tug and tickle with my husband. He goes up and taps him with his paw on the couch and can play for quite a while. Sometimes he gets so excited during the game he takes off for a zoom around the house. I think it is to burn off the extra energy after the competition.
Social Zoomies
Pugs are usually a very social breed and seem to really like other pugs (except for Kilo who only likes plush friends). You often see a few at a grumble or a pug party suddenly take off like rockets and race around the room or park. It seems pretty joyful and is rather funny to watch.
It’s the first I’ve ever heard of this term, but now that you mention it I’ve seen my dog Jack do it a couple of times since we adopted him but other than that he’s never done it. He relaxes inside, runs around outside and jumps around for food when his dad comes home!